Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Graphic Design, Sierra Club

I interned briefly for the Sierra Club in 2005, and designed several flyers and informational pamphlets for the Mexico Project, which was sadly terminated later that year for lack of funding.  I am showing here the informational pamphlet that I designed for the Mexico Project, using InDesign.  This was the first time that I had used InDesign, but luckily I found it to be very user friendly!  I designed also the little buttons used to show the different issues that the Mexico Project addressed.

The pamphlet prints on an 11"x17" paper, and folds in three parts such that when it is folded you see the picture of the tires and the SC logo, and the two black stripes: Mexico Project, Beyond the Borders.

Sierra Club Mexico Project folding pamphlet

Inside of pamphlet

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